The Wind Opal Review: A Custom Craft Unicorn Fire Opal Necklace

Handcraft Unicorn Fire Opal Necklace

We've just crafted something truly special – a custom Unicorn Fire Opal Necklace for our wonderful customer, Harcy.

Handcraft Unicorn Fire Opal Necklace

Her request for a unicorn necklace was a bit like a real-life 'mission impossible.' Finding the ideal opal for the unicorn's head seemed quite challenging.

Handcraft Unicorn Fire Opal Necklace

I carefully sifted through my collection of opals, and to my surprise, I found the perfect fire opal that fit the unicorn design flawlessly.

Handcraft Unicorn Fire Opal Necklace

After we made this necklace, the result is stunning. Harcy was over the moon when she received it, and her heartwarming email of excitement and satisfaction truly made our day.


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